SAMPLE page from October 2017
MOKELUMNE BIRD TRAP (pg 3 of 8 pages)
The skill taught for October 2017 was one of Creek's favorite traps, which he calls the Mokelumne Bird Trap. It is an incredibly unique and effective live bird trap that can be built using only a few resources. It is a MUST KNOW for any student of survival. In the process of teaching how to make this trap, Creek also teaches how to make an improvised survival net. The page shown below is just 1 of 8 pages used to teach this incredible skill. These monthly skill sheets ARE PACKED with value!
High Resolution macro photography
Below are a few photo samples of past skills. These are excellent illustrations as to the quality of photography and teaching you can expect as a SSOTMC subscriber. Creek not only uses descriptive text, but also world class photography to teach.
SSOTMC Subscribers also enjoy several other benefits IN ADDITION to the monthly Survival Skill Sheets. These include:
- SUBSCRIBER ONLY access to additional on-line resources and training supplements, such as videos, downloads and photo galleries.
- LIVE & RECORDED WEBINARS: Creek hosts regular LIVE WEBINARS for subscribers where he answers questions, provides live demonstrations and adds additional value to the monthly survival skill sheets.
- MASTERMIND FACEBOOK GROUP: Subscribers also have access to the SSOTMC MASTERMIND Facebook group where Creek posts additional content and other subscribers share their experiences with training and learning each skill.